I wanted to briefly give you guys my opinion on two products that I purchased based on the opinion of fellow beauty bloggers/YouTubers. I just want to illustrate that idea that what works for some, may not work for all.
Bargain Princess is the cutest blogger ever, like for real. She regularly posts via her YouTube channel and blog about fashion, style, and makeup. Her videos are pretty addictive mainly because she is so funny and bubbly, not to mention she knows how to shop on a budget.
In one of her videos she mentioned the Clean & Clear Advantage Mark Treatment and raved about how beneficial it has been to clearing up some acne she had been experiencing. After my skin started turning on me, I went out and purchased this product based on her review. I bought it at a drug store for less than $7 and used it immediately.
I instantly LOVED it. What it has done for my skin is to eliminate pimples overnight which is major. What it has not done is reduce any scaring or blemishes whatsoever. Please be clear, it does not promise to reduce any scarring. I have not experienced much acne in my life which is a good thing due to the amount of time it takes for my skin to FULLY clear of any blemishes left over from a pimple. I love that this product reduces the actual pimple, which is exactly what its supposed to do.
The second product was reviewed by MsVaughn on her YouTube channel. If you guys haven't checked her out, do so now. Chick is fly. She also posts videos about fashion, hair, and makeup. One of her posts featured MAC SunTints lip balm. Her review had me sold! As soon as I saw it in my local CCO I picked it up and used it immediately and was completely underwhelmed. I was like, "uhhh...it's aight" lol. I didn't find it as moisturizing as I would have anticipated. I will continue to use as a base for lipstick simply because I;m stuck with it now. I do like the way it feels under my Korres lipblam though...it's pretty decent as a pre-lip balm (if that makes any sense).
What have you guys purchased based on the review of others? Did you love it or hate it?
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